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Raw Files

A raw Windows filelisting by parsing the NTFS file system using the ntfs crate to recursively walk the files and directories on the system. If hashing or PE parsing is enabled this will also read the file contents. Raw Files also supports decompressing compressed files with the WofCompression alternative data stream (ADS) attribute.

Since a filelisting can be extremely large, every 100k entries artemis will output the data and then continue.

Other Parsers:

  • Any tool that parse the NTFS file system


TOML Collection

system = "windows"

name = "ntfs_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "rawfiles"
drive_letter = 'C'
start_path = "C:\\"
depth = 20
recover_indx = false
# Optional
metadata = true # Get PE metadata
# Optional
md5 = false
# Optional
sha1 = false
# Optional
sha256 = false
# Optional
metadata = false
# Optional
path_regex = ""
# Optional
filename_regex = ""

Collection Options

  • drive_letter Drive letter to use to parse the NTFS file system. This configuration is required
  • start_path Directory to start walking the filesystem. This configuration is required
  • depth How many directories to descend from the start_path. Must be a postive number. Max value is 255. This configuration is required
  • recover_indx Boolean value to carve deleted entries from the $INDX attribute. Can show evidence of deleted files
  • metadata Get PE data from PE files. This configuration is optional. Default is false
  • md5 Boolean value to enable MD5 hashing on all files. This configuration is optional. Default is false
  • sha1 Boolean value to enable SHA1 hashing on all files. This configuration is optional. Default is false
  • sha256 Boolean value to enable SHA256 hashing on all files. This configuration is optional. Default is false
  • path_regex Only descend into paths (directories) that match the provided regex. This configuration is optional. Default is no Regex
  • file_regex Only return entres that match the provided regex. This configuration is optional. Default is no Regex

Output Structure

An array of WindowsRawFileInfo entries

export interface RawFileInfo {
/**Full path to file or directory */
full_path: string;
/**Directory path */
directory: string;
/**Filename */
filename: string;
/**Extension of file if any */
extension: string;
/**Created timestamp */
created: string;
/**Modified timestamp */
modified: string;
/**Changed timestamp */
changed: string;
/**Accessed timestamp */
accessed: string;
/**Filename created timestamp */
filename_created: string;
/**Filename modified timestamp */
filename_modified: string;
/**Filename accessed timestamp */
filename_accessed: string;
/**Filename changed timestamp */
filename_changed: string;
/**Size of file in bytes */
size: number;
/**Size of file if compressed */
compressed_size: number;
/**Compression type used on file */
compression_type: string;
/**Inode entry */
inode: number;
/**Sequence number for entry */
sequence_number: number;
/**Parent MFT reference for entry */
parent_mft_references: number;
/**Attributes associated with entry */
attributes: string[];
/**MD5 of file. Optional */
md5: string;
/**SHA1 of file. Optional */
sha1: string;
/**SHA256 of file. Optional */
sha256: string;
/**Is the entry a file */
is_file: boolean;
/**Is the entry a directory */
is_directory: boolean;
/** Is the entry carved from $INDX */
is_indx: boolean;
/**USN entry */
usn: number;
/**SID number associated with entry */
sid: number;
/**SID string associated with entry*/
user_sid: string;
/**Group SID associated with entry */
group_sid: string;
/**Drive letter */
drive: string;
/**ADS info associated with entry */
ads_info: AdsInfo[];
/**Depth the file from provided start point*/
depth: number;
/**PE binary metadata. Optional */
binary_info: PeInfo[];

* Alternative Data Streams (ADS) are a NTFS feature to embed data in another data stream
export interface AdsInfo {
/**Name of the ADS entry */
name: string;
/**Size of the ADS entry */
size: number;